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Insurance Blog

6 Ways To Maximize Your Electric Car Battery Performance in Cold Temperatures

6 Ways To Maximize Your Electric Car Battery Performance in Cold Temperatures

No one wants to be stranded in a car in the winter. At best, you could be cold and late as you wait for a tow or a ride; at worst, you are in danger of experiencing freezing temperatures or becoming involved in an accident. If you drive an electric vehicle (EV), it’s even more important to be prepared for winter weather because all EV...

Native American Heritage Month: Reflecting on the Past & Looking Ahead

Native American Heritage Month: Reflecting on the Past & Looking Ahead

In November 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed a law designating November as National American Indian Heritage Month. The contributions of Native American Indians and efforts to honor and recognize these cultures have been going on for decades. How It All Started: Gaining Recognition  One of the very first proponents for a day set aside to acknowledge the contributions of Native Americans was Dr....

Transferable Skills: The Path to Success

Transferable Skills: The Path to Success

In a rapidly evolving job market, sometimes it seems like the only constant is change. We’ve seen once-hot careers displaced by automation, whole industries disrupted by new technology, or job sites moving to other states — or even other countries. Not to mention a pandemic forever changing our concept of “the workplace,” introducing hybrid environments that many of us were never exposed to pre-pandemic. While...

6 Questions (and Answers) About French Drains

6 Questions (and Answers) About French Drains

If you’re dealing with a wet basement or a soggy lawn, you might want to look into installing a French drain. While it’s not necessarily a “quick fix,” a French drain can be a smart investment to keep your home and yard dry. Here’s what to know before you dig. What are French drains? French drains are trenches that redirect surface water and groundwater in...

How much car insurance do I need?

How much car insurance do I need?

Determining how much insurance you need to be fully protected and fit into your budget is a tricky task. Many factors come into play when answering this question. Things like state minimums, lender requirements, and the value of your assets are all considered when determining the answer. How much car insurance is enough? The answer to this question will vary wildly depending on many factors...